Pre op

Me after check in!

On Saturday morning I got up took my rescue remedy (it works) and off we went to the clinic. I couldn’t help saying “bollocks” over and over again thinking I’ve just got the use of my arm back and now I have to go through the whole recovery again!  Still if it makes me better then its a small price to pay.

It wasn’t too nerve wracking really as all the familiar faces where there, my two doctors (one of which operated on my first mole years ago and the other on my appendix when I was 15) and all the kind nurses which were surprised to see me back so soon! Poor sods! Chatterbox Alethea is back!

I changed into my blue gown and by 10:30 I was lying on the operating table. This time my room was so close by I walked into it!  Everyone was walking around me getting stuff ready and I was happily chatting away to the surgeon and the anesthetist telling them “I’m not going to cry this time” and whilst they put heart monitor patches under my boobs and got my arm ready to be strapped up the anesthetist did his job and the last thing I remember saying was ohhh I can feel it and as he pinched my cheeks as off I went into dreamland. Although saying that you don’t dream much when you are under the drugs..

Two hours later I was awake and apparently asking the theater nurse whether I wet myself or farted on the operating table! haha I do not remember any of this, my husband told me after, and he also said that the nurse said I was a model patient!  lol  Thank god for that!

Compared to last time I woke up I was in very little pain and very little distress.  I think its because this time I was not afraid, I was more optimistic and I knew that what they did could potentially save my life! That and of course all the drugs they pumped in me!  I had a nice bruise on my butt cheek from the injection which was administered before I woke up!

I have to say Rescue Remedy truly is a wonderful thing.. and no I don’t have shares in their sales lol