The battle continues

So, recently lumps have appeared around my body, one on shoulder , two in right boob, one where my ribs are and one in my upper right bum cheek.  The one above shoulder needed removing as it was growing so I am currently waiting for the results.  They think its metastasis but we aren’t sure.

I’ve also been experiencing the worst stomach/tummy pains ever.  They have made me vomit on occasion too. So Wednesday I was checked in to the local general hospital where they gave me blood tests and a chest and abdomen CT scan and x-rays.  They said it may be crone’s disease, then that its an ulcer, then that its metastasis and that I will be needed intravenous chemo.  Needless to say I was devastated.   Then I checked out of the hospital and went to see my doctor who checked the CT and he said he said signs of a swollen bowl are visible and fluid in the gut.   So I am having some fluid drained to be sent off for testing to see if there actually is metastasis and also waiting for the biopsy of the lump results to see if that is metastasis too.  Talk about a difference in opinions.

My poor veins are all buggered, broke and none existent in my left arm and have that many holes I look like a junky lol   Now Im on some strong pain relief thank god and I’m on the waiting game.

So I can either have metastasis or not.. here’s hoping not.

Absolutely fed up but hopeful.

Another MRI

So yesterday I had to have another MRI.    The doctor was worried about the swelling of my knees and me losing the ability to lift myself up and walk properly.   

My right affected side of the brain as u look at me

Charlie.. the biggest tumour (old scan)

The MRI showed that all is in order, ie no more brain tumours.   Unfortunately Charlie as I first called the big and only tumour I thought I had is sat right in the place where movement of arms legs etc is controlled and he is not a happy tumour.  He is whats making me weak so a new zapping plan has had to be made which should be ready tomorrow.  They will go a little easier on him so he will perhaps go a little easier on me.    The rest of the tumours are just sat there being zapped as normal.

So I resume zapping on Monday so get the weekend off.   Let me see.. clubbing? wishful thinking.  Perhaps a quiet meal somewhere quiet and an early night.:)

We went out today again into town.  It’s extremely cold though as temperatures have dropped and it started trying to snow just as we got on the bus back.    We did manage to get some food in a tiny corner chinese place.  Not a restaurant more like a stop eat kfc kinda place.   So amazingly cheap here to eat.  Thank god.    Then off to the local supermarket for some lush fresh salads in a bag and sushi and fresh fruit.   In between chocolate mouse and er chocolate.. hahaha

I’m gonna need an extra seat on that plane for my giant ass.. mind you cortisone reduction, means hunger reduction, means less food, less chocolate smaller ass.. hope for me yet.

A x

Burn baby burn..

If only I was dancing to that song rather than singing it to myself.  I cannot believe how bad my armpit seems to be getting.  I wonder how long it will be before I have skin there again.. Gosh I had no idea that was going to happen.

Im still so very tired, and the pain killers are making me drowsy. I’m going to see a doctor today for a second opinion. I will ask him about my burns too. Perhaps he has a better suggestion.

I hope all you who are fighting out there are being strong.  When fighting for your life it makes everything else seem less important.  But with something like this you have to make sure you keep fighting and take more care of yourself. The all clear means a second chance at life, which means a fresh start a new way of living, better than the last one. So be sure to make the most of it and never give up. Life is too precious.

Well this is a short one as brain is a little fuzzy..

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